Northern Ute Dance

"I dance for my family, I dance for my grandparents and even those who've passed on to the spirit world. I dance for them all."

Deandre Mills is a nineteen-year-old Northern Ute turkey dancer. He also is the third-generation drummer and singer in the intertribal pow-wow group Red Sky Singers.

Deandre has been dancing at pow-wows and other native events all his life. His parents, Mandi and Rodelle Mills raised their family on the pow-wow circuit. In younger years, Rodelle was a traditional dancer, and Mandi was a jingle dress dancer.  These days they still travel as a family to pow-wows and events around the country. All three children compete in various dance contests. 

Deandre's Turkey Dance outfit is also a family affair. He and his parents made almost the entire outfit. His mother Mandi did all the beadwork. He and his father made the bustle (back adornment) out of turkey feathers. These feathers came from a turkey his uncle had shot for the occasion. The bustle is both turkey and eagle feathers. The roach is synthetic porcupine hair and eagle feathers as "spinners." 

Pow-wow: A social gathering held by Native American communities in which dance, music, socializing, food, and art are present. 

Roach: a headdress, usually made of brightly colored feathers